Donate to Sunday Flowers!

The altar flowers that beautify our worship are given to the glory of God! The Sunday flowers are ordered by the Church Office by agreement with a local florist, except for the Sundays following a memorial service or wedding. Donations for flowers may be made in memory, honor, or thanksgiving of loved ones, with the acknowledgements printed in the Sunday bulletins. For more information or to donate flowers, please visit our website at or call the Church Office at 314-993-2306. Your flower donation will be confirmed after payment is received by the Church Office. Thank you!
To donate for flowers, follow these easy steps:
- Go to the parish website at or contact the Parish Office (314-993-2306;
- Choose the Sunday date for your gift. If you would like your memorial or thanksgiving listed in the Sunday bulletin, fill out the information at least two weeks in advance. Please note that all who wish to donate are welcome for each Sunday and parishioners may donate for flowers on more than one Sunday of the year.
- Indicate your preference for the wording printed in the Sunday bulletins. The format is:
The flowers are given to the glory of God in loving memory of ______________, by _____________________.
The flowers are given to the glory of God in honor of (or in thanksgiving for) the Birth/Baptism/Marriage/Anniversary/Birthday of __________________, by _____________________. - Make your donation, either through the parish website, or by sending your check to the parish office. Make checks payable to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, and mark it for FLOWERS. The suggested donation is a minimum of $100. The actual cost of the flowers each week is $175.
Four easy steps! And finally, did you know that after worship services volunteers divide the flowers into smaller bouquets and deliver them to parishioners, to add a little cheer where needed?