Do You Know a Child Who Likes to Sing?

Dear St. Peter’s families,
I am writing to let you know about an excellent opportunity for children at St. Peter’s: the St. Peter’s Choristers, our choir for young people.
Singing sacred music from a young age is a very formative experience. Young people learn about teamwork, responsibility, commitment, setting and achieving high standards, how to read music, and how to sing. These are all lifelong skills. The music choristers sing will remain close to their hearts throughout their lives. They will be able to take part in this great tradition in Episcopal and Anglican churches around the world.
What we strive for in our chorister program is a comprehensive music education in which young singers also provide leadership in our worship alongside adult singers. I warmly invite you to be a part of this inter-generational community of musicians that are committed to teamwork, dedication, excellence, and having fun along the way.
Our chorister training program at St. Peter’s is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM). We offer one-on-one and small group attention as we learn aural skills, how to sight-read, music theory, and music history. Choristers also have the opportunity to attend RSCM training courses in the summer where they work with a noted guest director and meet other young singers like themselves
I am always delighted to meet boys and girls and their families who are interested in being a part of the St. Peter’s Choristers. Our youngest singers typically begin at age eight (or seven for advanced readers). No prior musical experience is necessary, and children are accepted regardless of religious affiliation. This opportunity is indeed open to you!
I am available to meet with you after the 10:30 a.m. service on Sundays, August 25, and September 1 to tell you more about the choir and show you where we rehearse. Please let me know which day I can expect you, or if we can arrange another more convenient time.
You can reach me by email: , or by phone: (314) 993-2306.
Yours in Christ,
David Sinden
Organist & Director of Music