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Coffee Hour Moves Indoors this Sunday!


Coffee Hour Moves Indoors this Sunday!

As we turn our clocks back and watch both the temperature and the covid statistics fall, we are happy to be able to move coffee hour into the undercroft after both Sunday worship services.  Thanks to everyone for continuing to wear your mask while not sipping your beverage.  If the statistics continue their downward trend (as we hope!), we look forward to being able to serve food at coffee hour and other indoor events in the near future. 

The other change to note is that we have moved contact tracing forms from the narthex to each pew, allowing us to return the Welcome Table to the undercroft so everyone has a bit more elbow room in the narthex.  Please sign in once you are seated in the pew of your choosing. 

All continuing Sunday morning safety measures are noted on the back inside cover of the Sunday bulletin and on the parish website: http://specstl.org/news/updated-reopening-guidelines/ 

Thank you for your continued caring for one another!