Celebrating the Life of the Reverend Alexander Crummell

On Sunday, September 13, the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) celebrates the life and legacy of The Reverend Alexander Crummell, whose official feast day is September 10th.
Rev. Crummell (1819-1898) was born in New York. He was denied entrance to General Theological Seminary based on his race but went on to study at another seminary in the Diocese of Massachusetts. He was ordained as a deacon in 1842 and as a priest in 1844.
Rev. Crummell concentrated his efforts on establishing a strong urban presence of independent black congregations that would be centers of worship, education and social service. When Southern bishops proposed that a separate missionary district be created for black congregations, Crummell created a national convocation to fight the proposal. The Union of Black Episcopalians is an outgrowth of that organization.
Today, UBE continues to work to bring to fruition Father Crummell’s vision of God’s Beloved Community. UBE is the only independent membership and advocacy organization in The Episcopal Church that for the last 52 years has fought to eliminate racism within the church and the community at large.
Click here to watch UBE President Kim Coleman reflect on the contributions of UBE Patron Saint, the Rev. Alexander Crummell.