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Results Filtered By: Opportunities To Serve

Lenten Shoe Drive 2025

2/27/25 | Opportunities to Serve

Lenten Shoe Drive 2025 St. Peter’s will be collecting new men’s athletic shoes as well as socks and footcare products for our annual Lenten shoe drive. Footcare products includes Goldbond foot powder, lotion, and toenail clippers...


6/13/24 | Opportunities to Serve

BEAUTIFICATION DAY WITH TABERNACLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Pastor Andre Alexander, President of the Tabernacle Community Development Corporation, has extended an invitation to participate in a community Beautification Day on June 22...

St. John's Peace Meal February 10

2/1/24 | Opportunities to Serve

St. Peter's is leading the Peace Meal effort at St. John’s in Tower Grove on Saturday, February 10. The work is divided between cooking and delivery/ serving the meal, so scheduling is flexible. If you can join the crew for a couple of...

January 7: Food Drive Sunday

12/20/23 | Opportunities to Serve

Due to the holidays falling on the upcoming weekends, we are going to extend January's "First Sunday Food Drive." Grocery bags with the list of needed items will be available in the Narthex at our Christmas Eve and Day services.  We...

St John's Peace Meal December 23

12/14/23 | Opportunities to Serve

St. Peter's is leading the Peace Meal effort at St. John’s in Tower Grove on Saturday, December 23. The work is divided between cooking and delivery/ serving the meal, so scheduling is flexible. If you can join the crew for a couple of...
