Annual Meeting 2024

Annual Meeting 2024
Sunday, January 28 | 9:00 a.m. | In the Undercroft
Join with your fellow parishioners, the St. Peter's Vestry, and clergy on Sunday, January 28th for the Annual Meeting. Every year, the Annual Meeting serves as an opportunity to present the Annual Report and give updates on our shared life in the church. Additionally, Vestry nominations are presented at this time. A special breakfast will be served!
The Nominating Committee has secured the necessary consent to serve a 3-year term on the Vestry, if elected, from:
- Amy Hilmer for a term to expire in 2027
- Tim Noelker for a term to expire in 2027
- Michael Orlowski for a term to expire in 2027
- William Schoenecker for a term to expire in 2027
- Ann Sutter Spann for a term to expire in 2027