Altar Flowers Needed for 2025!

We are in need of sponsors for altar flowers in 2025!
The altar flowers that beautify our worship every Sunday are given to the glory of God by St. Peter’s parishioners. You may give flowers in memory or honor of loved ones on a Sunday of your choice, with an acknowledgment printed in that morning’s bulletins. (Flower donation is unavailable for the Sunday after Christmas, during the season of Lent, and Palm Sunday.) To give all parishioners the opportunity to choose dates that are meaningful for them, multiple acknowledgments may appear in the bulletins on any given Sunday. Please note that the Church Office is unable to apprise parishioners of its receipt of other donations for any date.
The Church Office orders the altar flowers by agreement with a local florist. While the Church Office cannot accommodate parishioner requests for particular types or colors of flowers, know that the florist uses flowers at their seasonal peak to help ensure the beauty of our altar.
To donate flowers, fill out the form below with the following information:
- Your name, email address and phone number.
- The date for your chosen Sunday. If you would like a memorial or thanksgiving listed in the Sunday bulletins, the Church Office must receive your donation at least two weeks in advance. (You are welcome to give flowers on more than one Sunday of the year.)
- Your preference for the wording printed in the Sunday bulletins and the name(s) to be listed.The format is:
The flowers are given to the glory of God in loving memory of ______________, by _____________________.
The flowers are given to the glory of God in honor of (or in thanksgiving for) the Birth/Baptism/Marriage/Anniversary/Birthday/Other of __________________, by _____________________. - Complete your donation by clicking “submit” to be routed to the website’s Giving Page to make your payment (or you may send a check to the parish office, payable to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, with “ALTAR FLOWERS” in the memo line). The cost of altar flowers each week is $183. A flower donation is not confirmed until payment is received by the Church Office.
Please know that your gift will last beyond Sunday morning. Following the 10:30 worship service, members of the flower ministry divide the altar flowers into smaller bouquets and deliver them to parishioners as signs of God’s love and the parish’s affection. Thank you for giving!