Alive in Christ Campaign Launch

What does it mean to be "Alive in Christ"?
Join us this Sunday as we launch our 2024 Annual Giving Campaign, Alive in Christ.
We are abundantly blessed to have a spiritual home that welcomes all people and helps us find the inspiration, hope, and grace to serve God and others. Together, we can build on our wonderful traditions and meet the lifelong spiritual needs of the parish for generations to come.
Key dates for the campaign:
- Sunday, January 21 – Campaign Kickoff. Thank you to our co-chairs, Clark and Jeanie Davis, our speakers today.
- Sunday, January 28 – Parish Annual Meeting. Stop by the Stewardship table to pick up your Annual Giving Campaign packets. The remaining packets will be mailed.
- Sunday, February 11 – Dedication Sunday – Join us in worship for a special blessing of the pledge cards.
The Annual Giving Campaign provides a financial foundation for the ministries of our church. The 2024 campaign goal is to raise $1,050,000 in pledges with 100% parish participation. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of St. Peter’s Church!
Can't wait to pledge? You can make your 2024 pledge online now!