A Reminder about Phishing Scams

Have you recently received an email or text message seemingly from a member of St. Peter’s clergy or staff, asking you to send money, gift cards or help in some way? This is a phishing scam!
Although the email may look like it’s coming from St. Peter’s, if you look closely you will likely find a misspelling or other discrepancy from our parish email addresses. A clear give away is if the parish email address does not end in either “stpetersepiscopal.org” or “specstl.org.” These are the only two email endings St. Peter's uses.
If you receive a phishing email, DO NOT reply to the message; DO NOT give any personal information; and DO NOT send money! Instead, delete the message.
If you receive an email or text and are unsure of its origins, err on the side of safety and delete it. After that, you can always send an email separately to a St. Peter’s clergy or staff member asking if he or she has been trying to reach you.
To learn more about how to recognize and avoid phishing scams, check out this information from the Federal Trade Commission: