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A New St. Peter’s Grief Group This Fall


A New St. Peter’s Grief Group This Fall

In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul calls on Christians to “love one another with mutual affection,” explaining that one way we can do this is by “weeping with those who weep.”  For those who love, loss and grief are an inescapable part of our journey.  But they are not a part God wants us to walk alone.  With the pandemic both precipitating and complicating loss and grief for so many over the last 18 months, we are glad to be able to offer a new gathering of St. Peter’s Grief Group this fall.

Grief Group is designed to address the needs of those who are grieving the death of a loved one.  With sufficient interest, a new Grief Group will convene in late September for eight, 90-minute, weekly meetings.  The day/evening of the week, time, and start date will be set according to what will work best for the group’s members.  Each meeting will include learning about aspects of the grief journey and spending time in discussion and exploration.  We will use “A Path Through the Wilderness: Finding Hope in the Midst of Grief” as our primary text, but our most vital resource will be the members of the group, as we learn from and support one another.  This makes everyone’s consistent attendance of the utmost importance for the benefit of all participants.  

God gives us the gift of one another in times of loss and sorrow.  If the companionship of a small group finding our way through the wilderness of grief together is an opportunity you would like to explore, please contact the Reverend Kelly Carlson at or 314-993-2306 ext 107 by September 8th. Note: due to current pandemic statistics, being fully vaccinated is required for participation.