A Message from the Rector: September 24

I read a meditation recently in which the author asked two questions: Am I running in place? Are you running with me Jesus? (Br. Todd Blackman, SSJE) The meditation reminded me of a book of prayers written by the late Rev. Canon Malcolm Boyd titled Are You Running With Me, Jesus? that was first published in 1965. The book was one of 30 that Boyd wrote, and it became a best-seller and is a book that has influenced many people.
In describing how he first developed his idea for the book, Boyd said that it was something that "had for a long time been slowly growing in my soul, mind and being." Then while on an overseas trip he did something that he said changed his life when he wrote a short prayer on an airline ticket. That prayer, which is found below, became the first prayer in his book and is the signature prayer.
Every new day comes with decisions, opportunities, and challenges and all of us, in one way or another have asked the question or wondered how or if Jesus is with us. In all that life brings, in all the running through it that we do, in the good and the bad, in those moments of wonder and awe and in those times of trouble and sorrow, we want, and we need to know and feel the presence of Christ. We want and need to know and feel the presence of the one that is described in John’s Gospel as being the life and light of all people
It’s morning, Jesus. It’s morning, and here’s that light and sound all over again.
I’ve got to move fast ... get into the bathroom, wash up, grab a bite to eat, and run some more.
I just don’t feel like it. What I really want to do is get back into bed, pull up the covers, and sleep.
All I seem to want today is the big sleep, and here I’ve got to run all over again.
Where am I running? You know these things I can’t understand. It’s not that I need to have you tell me.
What counts most is just that somebody knows, and it’s you. That helps a lot.
So I’ll follow along, OK? But lead, Lord. Now I’ve got to run. Are you running with me, Jesus?
-Malcolm Boyd
Faithfully yours,