A Message from the Rector - 3.31.22

Grace and peace to you in this holy season of Lent,
With mixed emotions, I share with you the news of a significant change coming in the life of St. Peter's. Since 2008, The Reverend Kelly Carlson has faithfully carried out her ministry as a priest and pastor in an exemplary way. When I met Kelly last summer, she told me that she had been discerning a call to move from parish ministry into hospital chaplaincy. She has now decided to take the next step and, in September, will begin a year-long residency that will lead to certification as a professional chaplain. She has been accepted into the Clinical Pastoral Education Residency Program at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland, Oregon.
I have only had the opportunity to work with Kelly for a few months, but I have come to treasure and value her as a colleague. The positive impact that she has had in many ways at St. Peter's, in the Diocese of Missouri, and in the community will be greatly missed. As we give thanks for her ministry, we can do so knowing that her gifts and passion for pastoral care will continue in her new ministry. During the next few months, we will find ways to thank Kelly for these years of service, and more details about that will be forthcoming. As she moves into this important time of transition, I urge you to keep her in thought and prayer.
As we draw closer to the hope and promise of new life that we will celebrate together on Easter Day, know that Kelly and I are looking forward to that special time with you. Moving beyond many of the restrictions that have limited out interaction, we will celebrate in ways that have not been possible for the last two years. Included with this letter, you will find a schedule for worship and fellowship during Holy Week and Easter Day. I am pleased to announce that beginning Easter Sunday, April 17th, breakfast will again be available in the Undercroft!
I am waiting with eager anticipation for the exciting celebration that I know we will have, and I pray God's special blessing on you.
Faithfully yours,