A Letter to the Parish from the Rev. David Hodges

Dear People of St. Peter’s,
Grace and peace to all of you! It is an honor and privilege to have been called to become the 16th Rector of St. Peter’s. I am very excited about the opportunity that we will have to join together in ministry, and I am deeply grateful for what God has done to lead us into this time. Lisa and I are looking forward to being with you and to having the chance to become part of your lives.
During the last several months, I have learned about St. Peter’s and the various ministries that you are involved with in that holy place. Over and over again in my conversations with the Search Committee, I sensed the deep faith and commitment you have to worship, music, spiritual formation, outreach, and to building relationships. It was apparent to me that St. Peter’s is a healthy and vibrant church that is positioned well to move into the future, which is filled with potential and hope. As we get to know each other, and begin to worship and serve God together, I am anxious to learn more from you and to hear your ideas about what we might do to make a difference in St. Louis, in the Diocese of Missouri, and beyond.
As we move through this time of transition, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I ask for your prayers, and I offer this prayer for all of us: In the gift of this new day, in the gift of this present moment, in the gift of time and eternity intertwined, let us be grateful, let us be attentive, let us be open to what has never happened before. – John Philip Newell
With a grateful heart I am,
Faithfully yours,