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A Letter from the Senior Warden - June 3, 2020


A Letter from the Senior Warden - June 3, 2020
June 3, 2020
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
There is a balm in Gilead, to make the wounded whole.
There is balm in Gilead, to heal the sin-sick soul.
            -African American Spiritual
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry referenced this beautiful hymn in preaching last Sunday at our National Cathedral in Washington. 

The senseless killing of George Floyd has highlighted the racial injustice in our country that must continue to be addressed.  I remember how wonderful it was to meet Bishop Curry when he joined us for St. Peter’s 150th Anniversary.  His message of faith and love is the same today, as he addresses not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but also our spiritual pandemic.  I urge you to listen to his sermon.

Meanwhile, be assured that our Search Committee is continuing their work during this challenging time.  The prayer card mailed to us with their recent letter includes all committee members’ names and e-mail addresses.  Please join me in continuing to pray for this devoted group of parishioners.

Thanks also to all who have contributed to our online worship services, along with Rob, Kelly, Joseph, and our dedicated staff.  There is much good work going on behind the scenes.

I am honored to serve on our reopening committee, which is led by Kelly.  It is an amazing group.  Other committee members are Mike Newport, our head usher, Angela Mahan, our Parish Administrator/Chief of Staff, and Dr. Sarah Fouke, Dr. Brig Buettner, and Dr. Katherine Mathews.  Our first meeting was very productive.  We are listening to the desires and concerns you have expressed at our Coffee with the Rector Forums. 

For reopening of churches across the Diocese of Missouri, the first requirement from Bishop-Elect Deon Johnson is that COVID-19 cases must be in decline in our county for at least 14 days.  We are watching this closely.  You will hear more from the committee as things unfold.

Finally, the Vestry is well aware that this is a tough financial time for many people.  Thank you for your continued financial support for St. Peter’s. If you are in a position to make a contribution, increase what you are able to give annually, or fulfill your pledge, we would be grateful for the additional support during this time.  Every gift will make a difference. 

Our St. Peter’s community means so much to us all. I look forward to being able to gather in worship and fellowship together soon.


     Jeanie Davis
     Senior Warden