A Letter from the Senior Warden

Dear St. Peter’s Parishioners,
When Luke told DeWayne and me about his decision to step down as our rector, I was filled with mixed emotions.
I was personally sorry to hear that he’d be leaving, as he is a gifted priest and dear friend. At the same time, I was filled with thankfulness for all he has done for St. Peter’s in the last seven years. I was also glad to know that he and his family are staying in St. Louis. Luke, Hopie, Hope, Maude, and Sam will remain our friends.
Luke is leaving at a very positive time in our parish. We have an active congregation and a strong and committed Vestry. We are focused on outreach and are in the midst of a robust stewardship campaign, which is now more important than ever. We are extremely blessed to have Kelly and Joseph, our two other gifted priests here at St. Peter’s. Our staff is exceptional, and we will soon add a parish administrator.
DeWayne and I have known this news for over a month now. It has taken time for it to sink in for us, as it will for you. We have been working behind the scenes with Luke, Bishop Smith, and the Rev. Canon Doris Westfall on his staff to plan this transition. With their blessing, the Vestry has just approved a contract with a search consultant, Anne Schmidt, to join our team. She will meet with the Vestry in early December.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions and concerns. DeWayne and I will be available at the Rector’s Forum and coffee hour on Sunday mornings to keep you updated.
Most importantly, please keep Luke, his family, and our parish in your prayers.
Jeanie Davis
Senior Warden