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A Letter from the Rector


A Letter from the Rector

November 20, 2019
Dear St. Peter’s Parishioners,
I am writing you with some news that will likely come as a surprise. After a fulfilling tenure, I have decided to step down as your rector in 2020. My last day will be February 9. Serving as your rector has been a great joy. I will leave St. Peter’s with a heart filled with gratitude for the ministry we have shared and for the many meaningful relationships made.
I have not come to this decision easily, but I know it is the right one for me. I feel ready to begin a new chapter in my life, and I am trusting in God and the Holy Spirit to lead me to what’s next. At this point, I am not sure what this next step will be.  I am planning to take some time to explore ways I can continue to have a positive, meaningful impact. My family and I will remain in St. Louis. We have grown roots here, and we love this community that has so warmly welcomed us and become our home.
The work of creating a transition process has already begun. The wardens, Jeanie Davis and DeWayne Trainer, will be in touch soon with further information. Your participation in the transition process, like all ministry in St. Peter’s, is essential. A church does not thrive because of a rector alone, but through the dedication and passion of the entire congregation. St. Peter’s is a strong and joyful church.  I would not be doing this if I were not confident that St. Peter’s will continue to thrive and grow.   I have no doubt it will.
There is much more to share with you than will fit in this letter, and I plan to communicate more in my sermon this Sunday and in the weeks ahead.  Until then, know that I love our church and this community, and it has been a joy and privilege to be your rector.  May God continue to bless our wonderful parish.
In Christ,
Luke Jernagan