40 Cans in 40 Days

This Lenten spiritual practice moves from the tradition of sacrificing by "giving up" something you enjoy to sacrificing by "giving" what someone else needs. "Forty Cans" is an invitation to join with fellow parishioners in choosing a can (or a box, bag, or carton) of food each day of Lent to give to Trinity Food Pantry. One day's choice may come from your own pantry (unexpired and unopened, of course) while you make the next day's selection at the grocery store. Designate a visible box or basket in your home for collecting each day's "can" and then bring your collection to St. Peter's on Easter Sunday for delivery to Trinity. Any time during Lent, send a photo of your growing collection to Annie Knapp at so we can share them! Be sure to pay attention to what happens as you watch it grow throughout the season -- what thoughts come to mind, what feelings, what prayers? To help guide your choices, here is a list of most needed items (including a few nonfood essentials):
- Canned Meat (tuna, chicken, beef)
- Canned pasta with meat
- Canned fruit and vegetables
- Chili with beans *most requested item*
- 1 qt. packets powdered milk
- Boxed milk (not refrigerated)
- Peanut Butter
- Ramen Noodles
- Applesauce
- Bar soap
- Toilet Tissue
- Deodorant
- Toothbrushes + toothpaste