2020 Stewardship Update

In this new year, please help us wrap up our 2020 campaign by sending in your pledge if you haven’t yet. We invite you to consider a gift to St. Peter’s in thanksgiving for all the ways God lives through us in this spirit-filled community. Many thanks to those who have already made a pledge! Your participation makes a difference. St. Peter’s relies on the faithfulness and generosity of all parishioners to support the work we are called to do each year. We are striving for at least 400 supporting households, a goal of 85 more than last year. Every pledge matters!
Update as of February 20:
- Pledge amount received: $1,081,830 (77% of goal)
- Number of pledges: 307 families (58% of households)
If you have not yet pledged, please do so by returning your pledge card via mail or the Sunday offering, or you can pledge online. If you have questions, please contact Janet Rouse at 314-993-2306 in the Church office.
Thank you for your generous support!