Youth Ministry

Now you are the body of Christ,
and each one of you is a part of it. 

Students in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join an all-inclusive community that honors the unique gifts each person brings. Together students and invested adult leaders pray, serve, and have fun! There are weekly fellowship opportunities to help grow relationships with one another and God. Regular service opportunities and annual mission trips cultivate servant-leadership in Christ. St. Peter’s Youth Ministry is building the body of Christ, one relationship at a time.

About The Rev. Zack Rugenstone, the Youth Minister:

Hi, I’m (Deacon) Zack. I  grew up in northern Virginia with my parents and younger sister. Throughout middle and high school I was an active member in an Episcopal church that had an emphasis on service to the local community and abroad.  After graduating high school I went on to get a degree in Criminology with minors in Psychology and Sociology from Longwood University. After graduation I went on to Chapel Hill, NC where I worked with the Episcopal Service Corps in a church, a correctional facility, and with an afterschool program for youth. From there I went on to Duke Divinity school where I met my now wife Sarah. Sarah and I graduated and moved to St. Louis together, along with our dog Gus and cat George. Upon our arrival to St. Louis, Sarah began working as a pastor at a local Methodist church and I joined the staff of St. Peters. Outside of St. Peters, I am also teaching a New Testament class at a local university and I am looking forward to exploring all the golf courses, bookstores and coffee shops in the area.


My beliefs:

I affirm the traditional beliefs of the Episcopal Church and the creeds that have been passed down through the generations. 

I believe that social barriers are man made and harmful to the Kingdom of God. I believe that there is nothing that can separate you from the Love of God, that God wants a rich relationship with you, and that the relationship you have with God ought to produce an understanding of gratitude, generosity, and grace for our neighbors that is lived out daily. 

I believe that one of the best ways we can do this is by service in our church, schools, and communities near and far. Through humble service to others we are preaching the gospel with our bodies, walking side by side with Jesus, and strengthening relationships with those around us.


01/05       No SPY 
01/12     Who are we?
01/19 MLK Day 20th   Who is God?
01/26     Confirmation Class 1 What's up with Jesus?
02/02   Winter Retreat 01/31 - 02/02 Winter Retreat 02/01 - 02/02 No Spy!
02/09 Superbowl Sunday       Confirmation Class 2 (Super) Bowlilng with CSMSG!
02/16     God in the O.T. and N.T. 
02/23     Confirmation Class 3 God, the Divine Mystery 
03/02   SHROVE TUESDAY 4th   /    Ash Wednesday 5th    God the Creator
03/09 Daylight Savings Change  Confirmation Class 4 God as Love 
03/16     No SPY! 
03/23   Confirmation Class 5 God's Righteousness 
03/30     Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor
04/06     Confirmation Class 6 Jesus the Servant 
04/13     Palm Sunday  Jesus the Redeemer 
04/20     EASTER Sunday!  No SPY! 
04/27       God's Justice 
05/04     God's Faithfulness
05/11   Mothers Day No SPY! 
05/18   YOUTH SUNDAY  End of Year Party! 
05/25       No SPY!
06/01     Confirmation!   





Confirmation classes for the Spring semester 2025 begin on January 26th. We will meet from 9am to 10am in the confirmation classroom every other week (01/26, 02/09, 02/23, 03/09, 03/23, 04/06.)  The Bishop will be coming for Confirmation on June 1st! 

 To prepare for this big event, the students engage in a multi-week course of study, reflection, and worship as part of the community of St. Peter’s Church that is rooted in the tradition of the Episcopal church. The youth are also encouraged to participate in the youth community at St. Peter’s as a continuation of the confirmation curriculum.  The Confirmation curriculum and youth group events are designed to engage teens in the questions and concerns of faith within the context of Episcopal teaching and tradition, emboldening them to develop their own answers. 

 Confirmation instruction for adults is also available! 

If you have questions about the dates of classes, how to sign up, or need any more information on Confirmation, email Zack at